Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Clothes

Alice went to bed late last night around 2:00 am after we played our game for a while. I did my chores and took an evening nap starting at 7:00 pm. (That's one hour later due to the time zones.) I woke up and created our game about 12:30 am and Alice awoke and joined about 9:00 am. (Half hour later for those who get confused by the time difference.)

There are two things we are looking for now. A Shael Rune for Alice so she can make the Peace Rune Word armor and a 2 socket Ghost Armor for me. I'll make Stealth in it just like I have in my Studded Leather, but with more defense. (Yes, I know there are other armors I could use which would have even more defense, but it's a fashion thing for me.)

We ran Pindleskin and Eldritch and neither happened to have the Shael. We then went into the Pit of Acheron looking for my armor and there is the possibility of Shael dropping here.  In this picture I am slowly killing the monsters on the other side of the molten lava pit. Alice snuck around behind them while I kept them distracted.

A little closer to the sparkly chest, Alice lost her connection.

I went ahead and cleared the rest of the area while waiting for her to come back into the game. Ah, look, here she is now.

By now it was breakfast time for Alice. She left the game so I could re-create it and when she got back we did Pindle again and then Eldritch.

From there we went to the Arreat Plateau and some random monster dropped a crude, non-socketed version of the armor I wanted. Being the brilliant Sorceress I am, I plopped it into my Horadric Cube along with an El Rune and a Chipped Gem.

After transmuting, it's a normal Ghost Armor with 115 defense. (The possible defense range is 102 to 117, so it's nearly perfect.)

I need sockets in it to make the Stealth Rune Word, so I visited Larzuk and called in a favor he owed me. Here I've put the armor in the thing-a-ma-jig for him to punch a couple of holes in it.

And now I have a holey, normal grade Ghost Armor.

I then dropped in the Tal and Eth Runes and it became Stealth. My base defense was 156 with the old armor and is now 230 with this one. (That's not counting the bonus I get when I use my Frozen Armor aura.)

This next picture shows me wearing my old Studded Leather Stealth. Notice the arm coverings and the silver lace trim.

And here I am wearing the new Ghost Armor Stealth. The only visible difference between it and naked (gamewise) is the shoulder pads.

Alice approved of my new, nude look and then we ventured into the Temple to hunt down an evil necromancer. In this picture we've found the stairs.

Here we have found Nihlathak himself. We took him down quickly.

He dropped some nice gloves for Alice. The +20% Increased Attack Speed lets her promptly pluck her bow quite quicklier now.

Ok. That last sentence was a bit silly. I guess I'm more tired than I thought. I'm going to bed now.


Alice said...

Hi Jessie,

How are you, honey? Here everything is fine, we have a holiday both tomorrow and on Friday. Yay!! XD So well, if its ok with you.. then we could play the game tonight. ^^

I'll be waiting for you in our TC room.
Btw, I was planning on making the Snikerdoodle cookies of yours tomorrow.. (I wasn't able to make it before cause I wasn't sure about the cream of tartar.. if we have it here or not, so I was wondering if it can be replace by something else..?) I love you.<3

Jessie said...

Hi Alice,

I'm doing quite well. I'm already a wee bit tired cause I stayed up too late again last night. lol

I'll have to see how tired I am when I get home. I love you too. <3

I edited the cookie recipe post with the following:

I've been asked if there is a substitute for the cream of tarter. My online research shows that the cream of tarter combined with the baking soda is the levening agent which makes the cookies rise. The general rule appears to be to substitute 1 teaspoon baking powder for each 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tarter and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.

So, in this recipe, skip both the cream of tarter and the baking soda and use 4 teaspoons of baking powder.

Alice said...

Ok then, thank you. :)
Btw I'm watching Loard Of The Ring1with Rachel here in my room since Laurent is using the tv downstairs (tho right now the movie is on pause since we were having dinner and that Rachel isn't done yet).
Its really nice spending some time like this together, just us girls. :)

Well, let me know how tired you'd be when you get back and if the game is too much, then maybe we could just chat on TC. Either is fine with me. ;) See you later, maybe. *Hugs and tender kinsses*.<3

Jessie said...

I'm home and in our room now. I'm going to fix my dinner. It's about 3:20 am your time. *Hugs and kisses too* <3

Alice said...

Hi dear, :)

How are you? Uhm I'm quite well, just a bit tired.. About the cookies.. I haven't try them yet >.<..
Well, my grand parents were here today having lunch together and kind of celebrating Eid Ul Fitr in a way.. We made Chicken Biryani and it was delicious. xD
Actually I made a chocolate cake which we ate as desert, instead of the cookies, still very yummy! :)

But I'll make the cookies next, uhm prolly on Friday, yeah. Yay to holidays! :D uhm, Friday will be because of Ganesh Chaturthi(its celebrated as the birthday of lord Ganesha who is the son of Shiva).

Well, I'll see you tomorrow night my darling. I'm going to bed now, I love you.<3 <3 <3

Jessie said...

Hi honey,

I'm quite well and much more rested than yesterday. When you get around to making the cookies post me a comment on the cookie page to let me know how you and your family liked them.

Uhm, tomorrow night? Ok. I thought we had planned for tonight. I'll be in the game after Punkin's dinner in about 3 hours in case you said the tomorrow part for you but the night part for me.

I love you too. See you soon, maybe. <3 <3 <3

Alice said...

Hi again, my love. :)

I'm sorry, there's a misunderstanding here and its prolly my fault since I thought that you meant to meet up on Thursday night, being my Friday early morning.. For today(night) tho, its not wise since I have school. (Oh and I'm soon going to bed again after this post).

I love you. See you then tomorrow. <3

Jessie said...

Yep. Simple misunderstanding. And since it was your 5 am and you were getting up just a wee bit early to start your day it makes since that when I said "tomorrow" you'd naturally think of your next day. lol

I've been playing PackMule while waiting for you and he has a handful of full rejuv potions for us. I still want to collect more anyhow to have for when we fight the ancient barbarians. I like to go with 15 in my belt and a single town portal in the top of my 4th column for emergency use. Just so you know, if we do open a town portal while fighting them, it resets them all. So even if we've killed two of them, we'd have to refight them all.

*Hugs and kisses* Sleep well. Have fun at school. Learn things. <3

Alice said...

Hi darling,

How are you? Uhm, I'm sick with a stupid cold.. >.< The day was.. kind of sad and borring since first of all there was like no one at school, yep it seems everyone took the day off and uhm well, it was mostly sad due to the death of one of my friend's mother... She had a cancer. :(

Of course, we all new that it was going to happen since the doctors had already condemned her about 2 weeks ago, but still, its very sad and yeah we all trying to support our friend, Arlaine. At school, we took the permission today to go and see her. She was trying to be strong and didn't really let her feelings show when we got there.

Ok, I'm going to bed now and will try to meet with you later.. tho I can't really promise anything since I'm not feeling well. I love you, honey.<3 <3 <3

Jessie said...

Hi honey,

Aww. I'm sorry to hear you are sick and also send my condolences to Arlaine and her family.

I already created the game before looking on here, so it's up. Now it's time to feed the little one. I love you too. <3 <3 <3