Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alice and Jessie Tackle The Smith

I had a delightful time tonight (or this morning depending on your perspective) playing Diablo with Alice. We just turned teenagers (level 13) and cleared out the monastery. It seems Charsi was in such a hurry when they all fled that she left behind her hammer.

In this screenshot we are fighting The Smith who is guarding it.

After that we did a little bit of the first jail level and then decided I should go to bed and Alice should have breakfast.


Alice said...

Hi Jessie,

Uhm.. I didn't expected you to take a picture right while we were fighting the smith. But its very nice tho and impressive too. :)
Now, there's only Anddariel left, hehehe XD.
Well, I'm going to go and get something to eat now. See you later, my darling. I love you.<3

Jessie said...

I realized I hadn't taken any pictures during that playing session so this was a quick snapshot to have something to post. If I hadn't just quaffed a potion, I prolly would've been too scared to pull out the camera.

Alice said...

Hehehe, well at least we didn't die back then.. tho I was near to at that particular moment, but I managed to dink a potion too which saved me. :)
Btw, I'm going to bed early tonight so that I get up early and prolly be either waiting for you in TC or on here. ;) <3

Jessie said...

It's about 4:22 am for you. I tried to join our game but it wasn't there. So, I've been trying for about 15 minutes to create it, but I'm about 40,000th in line and it's not changing.