Monday, October 10, 2011

Cuddly Couple - Even Older Drawings

I was sitting here trying to think of something cute for Alice to see when she wakes up. These are prolly some of the oldest drawings I still have.  They are of a couple of my childhood stuffed animals. I named the white one Snoopy. (Prolly no surprise there since I was maybe six at the time.) The yellow one is a bean bag type and I could prolly get by with changing the name and no one would know. But I won't. I called that one Flopper. >.<

Now the most intersting thing (in my imagination) was that Flopper could fly. Snoopy would ride around on Flopper's back and they would have grand adventures. lol

So, don't laugh too hard at me. :p

And, again, good luck Alice. My best wishes and thoughts go with you as you walk into that torture chamber called The Sociology Exam. I will try to be on TC before you go to school, but I can't promise. I had a full day and I'm already quite tired.  I love you darling! <3 <3 <3


Alice said...

Hi there little Snoopy. ;)

Awww they are so super cute!<3 xD
Ok so, the sociology paper was... uhh ok.. it was actually devided into 2 sections, A & B. The thing is that the questions in section B was wee bit easier than section A, so I mannaged in Section B more.. There's still paper 2 left, so its still ok. Oh and the G.P(General Papers) paper today was easier than socio hahah.. Yep, it was better than I expected. :)

Well, there's only French literature tomorrow and then on Friday I'll have my Art paper 1 which is 8hrs.. so, I'll first do some of my prep works for Art and then I'll study my literature book and notes for tomorrow. Have a nice day. :) I love you darling!<3 <3 <3

Snoopy said...

Arf-arf, Arf-woof-arf-arf Woof-woof-woof Arf-arf-arf-woof Arf, Woof-arf-woof-woof Woof-woof-woof Arf-arf-woof Woof-arf-woof-arf-woof-woof

Hint: .. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- -.-.--

Alice said...

Hey Snoopy. :)

I don't want to be rude or anything but.. I can't quite understand what you said. :p lol
Maybe my little Jessie bear could translate that. ;) hehehe

Ok I'm now off again for studying. See you, my love later maybe.
I<3U! Jessie, and of course you too Snoopy. ;) xD

Alice said...

(P.S Tell Flopper that he doesn't have to be jealous cause I love him too). lol :p

Snoopy said...

Jessie said...

Hey there darling. :)

I see you and Snoopy are getting to know each other. I'm glad to hear your studies are going well. I just finished my lunch and guess what. We are busy again. Yay for the work and income, boo for keeping me away from home.

I'll pass your message on to Flopper. ;) I love you. <3 <3 <3

Alice said...

Snooppy, sorry but I still don't quite understand that language. lol :p
I'm not a genius like a certain special person that I know. ;p

Oh and hey Jessie. :) Hang in there and yay for work and income too. xD I'll try to be on TC around 5:30 am. I love you more! ;)<3 <3 <3