Saturday, September 10, 2011

Destruction's End

We had a very eventful game night. I had been playing PackMule for about half an hour when Alice joined the game. He'd cleared about 80% of the Ancient's Way since that's the highest level area he could get too. This provides the best experience points.

I exited PackMule and brought my me character into the game. Alice suggested going to the River of Flame, so we cleared it, then the Chaos Sanctuary and killed Diablo. After that, she said she was thinking we should do a suicide mission by visiting the Ancient Barbarians. I agreed we should go, but that I bet we would do just fine.

I put all my life charms and the one which adds lightning damage into my backpack and also allocated my unused stat points to get my life up to 563. In this picture I'm using Static Field against Talic.

With Talic out of the way, I focused on Madawc while Alice fought with Korlic.

In this next shot, I had switched over to zapping Korlic. Both barbarians are nearly finished at this point.

And now the Ancient's are all back in place as golden statues. We have been granted entry to the interior of Mount Arreat, wherein lies the Worldstone.

Alice opens the gate so we can continue our adventure.

We fought our way thru the three levels of the Worldstone Keep and now we are ready to enter the Throne of Destruction.

Baal released wave after wave of nasty monsters when we arrived in his area. Here is Achmel the Cursed.

And Bartuc the Bloody.

Now Ventar the Unholy.

And finally, Lister the Tormentor. Lister was a bit more difficult than the others and I had to run out leading them thru the maze in order to spread them out. One on one they are no match for us, but in a group they can be deadly.

With all of Baal's minions disposed of, we are ready to follow him into the Worldstone Chamber.

When we got into his chamber, I went directly after Baal. I noticed Alice wasn't right along side, but I assumed that she was having a moment of lag and would be there soon. I killed Baal before she got caught up with me.

Along comes Tyrael to congratulate us on our fine work of ridding the world of evil. He opens a new portal for us.

Thus ends our adventures in normal difficulty. We have been granted the title of Slayer and Alice would have seen a screen like this with her name.

I created a new game in Nightmare difficulty and we played just a little while there since Alice has plans for the day. Here's a picture of us in the Rogue Camp. It doesn't look any different in nightmare than normal. lol

We battled a few monsters in the Blood Moor and the difference is that there are boss monsters with minions which aren't present in this area in normal. We popped into the Den of Evil and cleared it to get our reward from Akara. Then Alice left to have breakfast and get ready for her day.

Happy birthday to Maeva!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hi dear Slayer, :)

I've just got back home and soon I'll go take a shower. How are you? I hope you are well rested. :)
The day was really nice, we had lots of fun. Its true that some of our friends were missing but our group was quite fine actually, being 8 people in all. We had some really nice moments together, yeah. :)

Ok, so I'm still not sure about the time that I'll be on later but I'll try to at 4. oh and here's the link to download the movie that I told you about earlier(lastnight), that is if you want to download it: -->

Oh and its better that you have the Utorrent program to help you download(go to or on google to have it). Ok, see you later, my dear angel. I love you.<3 <3 <3